ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ | Ανάπτυξη Ταυτότητας στη βάση της Παραγωγής, της Γης και του Τοπίου
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Σχετικά με το Έργο
WP1 | Project Management & Coordination
6 Coordination Meetings (1.4)
Ongoing Evaluation (1.5)
WP2 | Communication & Dissemination
Designing Communication Policy (2.1)
Preparing Dissemination Material: Flyers, Brochures and USB Sticks of the Project (2.3)
Publications in the Media (2.4)
Local Raising Awareness Seminars (+Opening and Closing Conferences) (2.5)
WP3 | Defining Area's Wine ID - Specifying Area's Advantage
Recording Wine Varieties & Micro-Regions of Production (3.1)
Selecting Main Local Wine Varieties and Identifying their Characteristics (3.2)
Exploring Competitiveness of Selected Varieties (3.3)
Upgrading Product: Training Growers and Winemakers to Improving Quality of Wine (3.4)
Developing Planning Infrastructure for the Area - Designing Digital Maps on Area - Digital Maps Infrastructure (3.5)
WP4 | Enhancing Raising Area's Wine ID - From Production to Tourism - Shaping Area's Profile
The Wine Trails of Dionysos: Designing and Preparing Trilingual Wine Tourism Guide in Digital and Conventional Form (4.1)
Upgrading the Landscape: Placing QRC Enhanced Information Signposts in the Vineyard Area (4.2)
Upgrading the Settlements: (Studies, Planting Vines, Placing Casks, Signposts etc) (Study, Supply, Placing) (4.3)
Raising Local Cuisine: 10 Recipes Based on Local Wine Varieties, Producing 3000 Bottles of Dionysos Wine (4.4)
Creating a Digital Platform on Area's Vineyard (4.5)
WP5 | Preparing for Tourism
Obtaining Quality: Training Staff of Restaurant and Hotel Businesses on Local Wine (5.1)
Awareness Raising Seminars on the Area's ID to the Tourism Business Community (5.2)
Quality Pact in the Food, Tourism and Trade Sector (5.3)
Developing Database with Promotion Material on the Area (Photos, Articles, Studies) (5.4)
Invitation, Hospitality and Guided Tour of 2X10 Journalists in the Regional Vineyard (5.5)
WP6 | Area Promotion - Placing in the Market
Promotion of the Area and Vineyard (6.1)
Publications in Specific Journals and Websites and Area Logo (6.2)
Organization of Wine Tasting Events - Wine Festival (6.3)
Participation in two Selected Fairs (6.4)
Actions for the Strengthening of the Business Cooperation (6.5)
Επικοινωνιακό Υλικό
Φυλλάδια, Μπροσούρες, USB Sticks
Τηλεοπτικά Σποτ
Υλικό Σχετικό με το Περιεχόμενο του Έργου
Σχετικά με το Έργο
WP1 | Project Management & Coordination
6 Coordination Meetings (1.4)
Ongoing Evaluation (1.5)
WP2 | Communication & Dissemination
Designing Communication Policy (2.1)
Preparing Dissemination Material: Flyers, Brochures and USB Sticks of the Project (2.3)
Publications in the Media (2.4)
Local Raising Awareness Seminars (+Opening and Closing Conferences) (2.5)
WP3 | Defining Area's Wine ID - Specifying Area's Advantage
Recording Wine Varieties & Micro-Regions of Production (3.1)
Selecting Main Local Wine Varieties and Identifying their Characteristics (3.2)
Exploring Competitiveness of Selected Varieties (3.3)
Upgrading Product: Training Growers and Winemakers to Improving Quality of Wine (3.4)
Developing Planning Infrastructure for the Area - Designing Digital Maps on Area - Digital Maps Infrastructure (3.5)
WP4 | Enhancing Raising Area's Wine ID - From Production to Tourism - Shaping Area's Profile
The Wine Trails of Dionysos: Designing and Preparing Trilingual Wine Tourism Guide in Digital and Conventional Form (4.1)
Upgrading the Landscape: Placing QRC Enhanced Information Signposts in the Vineyard Area (4.2)
Upgrading the Settlements: (Studies, Planting Vines, Placing Casks, Signposts etc) (Study, Supply, Placing) (4.3)
Raising Local Cuisine: 10 Recipes Based on Local Wine Varieties, Producing 3000 Bottles of Dionysos Wine (4.4)
Creating a Digital Platform on Area's Vineyard (4.5)
WP5 | Preparing for Tourism
Obtaining Quality: Training Staff of Restaurant and Hotel Businesses on Local Wine (5.1)
Awareness Raising Seminars on the Area's ID to the Tourism Business Community (5.2)
Quality Pact in the Food, Tourism and Trade Sector (5.3)
Developing Database with Promotion Material on the Area (Photos, Articles, Studies) (5.4)
Invitation, Hospitality and Guided Tour of 2X10 Journalists in the Regional Vineyard (5.5)
WP6 | Area Promotion - Placing in the Market
Promotion of the Area and Vineyard (6.1)
Publications in Specific Journals and Websites and Area Logo (6.2)
Organization of Wine Tasting Events - Wine Festival (6.3)
Participation in two Selected Fairs (6.4)
Actions for the Strengthening of the Business Cooperation (6.5)
Επικοινωνιακό Υλικό
Φυλλάδια, Μπροσούρες, USB Sticks
Τηλεοπτικά Σποτ
Υλικό Σχετικό με το Περιεχόμενο του Έργου
Φυλλάδια, Μπροσούρες, USB Sticks
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Flyers, Brochures, USB Sticks
Επικοινωνιακό Υλικό
Φυλλάδια, Μπροσούρες, USB Sticks